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Love on skin

It is with great affection that I want to express my gratitude for the trust you place in my work. As a thank you, I'm offering you a very special opportunity!

Ink Love

I deeply believe in the power of love and the beauty of self-expression. To show my appreciation, I am offering you a small, delicate heart tattoo as a gift, which will be done in the same session as your scheduled tattoo with me.

Choose Your Location

I want this experience to be completely yours. You will have the optionrtunityand choose the location where you want to make the heart, allowing the art to integrate perfectly with your personal story.

Spreading the Love

I believe that love is a force that connects and transforms. When getting this tatuage from my heart, not only will you get a beautiful souvenir, but you will also become part of my mission to spread more love and positivity in the world through arte.

Remember, it's a gift

This heart tattoo is my gift to you as a thank you. There is no additional cost involved, and I'm excited to make your experience with me even more special. The choice to accept this gift is completely yours, and I'm here to make the process as meaningful as possible.

Love is in the air, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Thank you for choosing me to create your perfect tattoo!

With love and gratitude, Julie

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